Ausflug zum Kohletagebau Garzweiler

Event date 28 Febr. '20
The event will take place at the Hameln
This event has type Veranstaltung

Ein Jahr Klimastreik in Heilbronn!

Event date 21 Febr. '20 19:00
The event will take place at the Heilbronn
This event has type Veranstaltung


Event date 18 Febr. '20 19:30
The event will take place at the Melle for Future
This event has type Veranstaltung

Podiumsdiskussion zur Kommunalwahl

Event date 13 Febr. '20 18:00
The event will take place at the TH Deggendorf Glashaus ITC2
This event has type Veranstaltung

Wärmewende bei Gebäuden

Event date 10 Febr. '20 19:00
The event will take place at the Darmstadt (genaue Infos kommen)
This event has type Veranstaltung


Event date 7 Febr. '20 17:00
The event will take place at the Heilbronn
This event has type Veranstaltung