Arbeitstreffen Parents for Future Chemnitz

Event date 17 Jan. '20 17:30
The event will take place at the Chemnitz
This event has type Veranstaltung

Treffen mit Stadträten zum Klimanotstand in Chemnitz

Event date 9 Jan. '20 17:30
The event will take place at the Umweltzentrum Chemnitz
This event has type Veranstaltung

Offener Abend Parents for Future Chemnitz

Event date 19 Dez. '19 19:00
The event will take place at the Chemnitz
This event has type Veranstaltung

Critical Mass

Event date 13 Dez. '19 17:00
The event will take place at the Gifhorn
This event has type Veranstaltung

Verkehrswende jetzt !

Event date 9 Dez. '19 19:00
The event will take place at the Justus-Liebig-Haus
This event has type Veranstaltung

Symposium Nachhaltiger Konsum 2019

Event date 4 Dez. '19 - 5 Dez. '19
The event will take place at the Heilbronn
This event has type Veranstaltung