
Event date 23 Jun '20 14:30
The event will take place at the CDU-Parteibüro
This event has type Veranstaltung


Event date 19 Jun '20 12:00 - 21 Jun '20 15:00
The event will take place at the Gießen, Kirchenplatz
This event has type Veranstaltung

Regelmäßige Treffen unserer Ortsgruppe

Event date 3 Jun '20 20:00
The event will take place at the Bornheim
This event has type Veranstaltung

Bad Hersfeld Klimanotstands-Kommune

Event date 3 Jun '20 19:00
The event will take place at the Bad Hersfeld
This event has type Veranstaltung

1. Ramadama in Neutraubling

Event date 23 May '20 10:00
The event will take place at the Neutraubling
This event has type Veranstaltung

Klimanotstand in Bad Hersfeld

Event date 13 May '20 19:00
The event will take place at the Bad Hersfeld
This event has type Veranstaltung

7. ParentsPlenum per Videokonferenz

Event date 29 Apr '20 19:30
The event will take place at the Bornheim
This event has type Veranstaltung