Support your local farmer

Event date 20 Aug. '19 19:00
The event will take place at the Oberhavel
This event has type Veranstaltung

Diskussion mit den Stadträten

Event date 20 Aug. '19 19:00
The event will take place at the Trier VHS Domfreihof
This event has type Veranstaltung

Fridays for Future-Sommerkongress

Event date 31 Juli '19 14:00 - 4 Aug. '19 18:00
The event will take place at the Dortmund
This event has type Veranstaltung

Bastel- und Infotreffen in und für Bornheim

Event date 25 Juli '19 13:00
The event will take place at the Bornheim
This event has type Veranstaltung

Erster Werler Klimatreff

Event date 9 Juli '19 19:00
The event will take place at the Café Dreiklang
This event has type Veranstaltung

Hambacher Buche zieht in den Forst Kasten

Event date 7 Juli '19 11:00
The event will take place at the Neuried
This event has type Veranstaltung

Vortrag zum Klimawandel an der HSHL

Event date 2 Juli '19 19:00
The event will take place at the Hamm
This event has type Veranstaltung