FFF Demo HH - Für Jung und Alt!

Event date 29 Juli '22 17:30
The event will take place at the Hamburg
This event has type Demonstration

Klimastreik am 10. Juni für die ganze Familie!

Event date 10 Juni '22 16:00
The event will take place at the Hamburg
This event has type Demonstration

Klimastreik 03.06.2022 - Für Jung und Alt!

Event date 3 Juni '22 15:00
The event will take place at the Hamburg
This event has type Demonstration

Fahrraddemo #fossilfreeforpeace

Event date 30 Apr. '22 14:00
The event will take place at the Hamburg
This event has type Demonstration

Jugenddemo für bessere Schule

Event date 8 Apr. '22 13:15
The event will take place at the Chemnitz. 13:15 Andréplatz. 14:15 Neumarkt
This event has type Demonstration

Fahrrad-Demo zum Globalen Klimastreik in Dortmund

Event date 25 März '22 14:00
The event will take place at the Rathausplatz, Witten
This event has type Demonstration

25.03. Internationaler Klimastreik auch in Witten

Event date 25 März '22 12:05
The event will take place at the Rathausplatz, Witten
This event has type Demonstration

25.03. - Für Frieden und Klimagerechtigkeit!

Event date 25 März '22 12:00
The event will take place at the Hamburg
This event has type Demonstration

Globaler Klimastreik - Aktionen am alten Rathaus

Event date 25 März '22 12:00
The event will take place at the Uelzen, vor dem alten Rathaus
This event has type Demonstration