globaler Klimastreik dezentral

Event date 24 Apr '20 13:30
The event will take place at the Melle for Future
This event has type Veranstaltung


Event date 21 Apr '20
The event will take place at the Dezentral
This event has type Veranstaltung

6. ParentsTreffen per Telefonkonferenz

Event date 15 Apr '20 19:30
The event will take place at the Bornheim
This event has type Veranstaltung


Event date 10 Apr '20 10:00
The event will take place at the Bornheim
This event has type Veranstaltung

Webinare - Onlinetalks

Event date 6 Apr '20 13:00 - 12 Apr '20 20:00
The event will take place at the Griesheim /online webinar
This event has type Veranstaltung

Fünftes ParentsTreffen per Telefonkonferenz

Event date 1 Apr '20 19:30
The event will take place at the Bornheim
This event has type Veranstaltung


Event date 30 Mar '20 18:30
The event will take place at the Bornheim
This event has type Veranstaltung

XR Stuttgart - Einsteiger Workshop

Event date 28 Mar '20 00:01
The event will take place at the Heilbronn
This event has type Veranstaltung