Sternfahrt gegen den Bau der A20

Event date 2 Jun '24 10:30
The event will take place at the Parkplatz Gaststätte Güterschuppen am Bhf. Hemmoor
This event has type Demonstration

Klimastreik Ketsch

Event date 1 Mar '24 15:00
The event will take place at the Marktplatz Ketsch
This event has type Demonstration

Klimastreik Lindlar

Event date 15 Sep '23 16:00
The event will take place at the Lindlar
This event has type Demonstration

Globaler Klimastreik 15.9.23 in Oranienburg

Event date 15 Sep '23 15:30
The event will take place at the Oberhavel
This event has type Demonstration


Event date 15 Sep '23 14:00
The event will take place at the Hamburg
This event has type Demonstration

Klima-Kundgebung auf dem Herzogenauracher Marktplatz

Event date 15 Sep '23 13:30
The event will take place at the Klima-Kundgebung Herzogenaurach
This event has type Demonstration

Klimakundgebung Herzogenaurach 15.09.2023

Event date 15 Sep '23 13:30
The event will take place at the Herzogenaurach
This event has type Demonstration

Klimastreik in Chemnitz am 15.9.23

Event date 15 Sep '23
The event will take place at the Chemnitz
This event has type Demonstration

P4F HH Spontandemo wegen Baumfällung

Event date 23 Jun '23 10:00
The event will take place at the Hamburg
This event has type Demonstration